The Harrier Mobile Field Shelter is supplied on an 80x40mm galvanised finish. Is available with or without front overhang. Can be supplied with towing chains and shackles, it can be towed from either end. Portable Mobile Field Shelters from 3.0m Single to 10.8m Triple

Harrier Portable Mobile Field Shelter benefits:

Key Benefits:
- 80 x 40mm Galvanised steel skid.
- Pressure treated throughout.
- 63 x 38mm Framework.
- 16mm Shiplap Cladding.
- Front Guttering.
- 18mm OSB kickboards.
- 1.05m Overhang lined with hardwood faced ply.
- Black Onduline roofing lined with 11mm OSB.

Chew protection options:
- Metal down pipe
- Entrance chew strips
- Corner chew strips
- Full internal lining
20% Off for self installation